What are the Legalities of Getting Married in the UAE?
Written by on October 22, 2012.
Tagged under: Legalities, UAE MARRIAGE LAW
Legalities of Getting Married in the UAE
Fidgeting over your wedding plan? Don’t know where to go for advice? Whom to trust? With the increase in the global community in UAE, and the ever-changing rules, it sometimes becomes impossible to keep track of the changing rules related to weddings.
So for expat brides-to-be, the major question is how to get the paper-work over with, and get on with planning the wedding.
Firstly, the wedding scene in the UAE is governed by Sharia Law. This law strongly establishes that the only legal bond between a man and woman is “MARRIAGE”. Therefore, only this legal bond can nurture children.
Marriage between an ‘Expat and an Emirati’
If you are an expat, marrying an Emirati, note that the rules and procedures differ on the basis of nationality and/or religion. If both parties belong to the same religion; then getting married is not very difficult, but if a Christian man wants to marry a Muslim woman then he’ll have to convert to Islam.
Marriage between ‘Expat Muslims and Non-Muslims’
Expat Muslims of any nationality can marry in the UAE at the Sharia court which issues their residence visa. Those on a visit visa cannot register their marriage at the Sharia court.
The rule clearly states that the man should be a Muslim, while the woman can be a Christian, Hindu or Jew in order to marry at a Sharia court.
For the attention of non-Muslims; every law which is applicable in your home country will be applicable here as well. While you live in UAE, it would be best to check with your embassy.
Marriage between ‘Expatriates of same religion’
For Christian weddings:
If you are of the same nationality and religion, then contact your embassy, and understand the procedure. If you are getting married in the church; then you will need a certificate of No Impediment to Marriage issued by your embassy before conducting the ceremony. To have this certificate issued, you’ll need to bring your passport, and sign an affidavit stating that you’re not already married and there is no hindrance to getting married. Don’t forget to bring along with you two witnesses. It may be possible to get married at your embassy depending on your nationality; otherwise you’ll have to go to a church.
If you’re both of different nationalities, but of the same religion, you’ll need to contact both your respective embassies to find out what the best or correct procedure is. There are different procedures for different nationalities.
UK citizens need to post wedding banns. Once posted, you’ll have to wait for three weeks before you can collect the banns and go to a church to get married.
US citizens need to get married by a pastor (Contact your church to make this arrangement).
Indian citizens can apparently get married at their embassy in Abu Dhabi, which can be followed by a religious ceremony in the church.
If you decide to get married at one of the Christian churches, expect to pay fees of about 2000 AED. Additional costs for flowers, photography, dress, suit, cake, air fares for friends and families, and all the usual accoutrements.
Christian churches will usually only marry a couple if both are Christians, however the Christ Church Jebel Ali, will marry the couple so long as one of you is a Christian with a baptism certificate.
Once you are married, you will receive a marriage certificate in English. This needs to be translated into Arabic by a court approved translator for your marriage to be valid in the UAE. Fees should be less than 100 AED. Once translated, submit both documents to the Notary Public Office at the Dubai Courts for certification (another 100 AED fee). You need to have UAE residence visas to be able to do this. Then you need to go to the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get the certification authenticated. Once all these procedures are completed, return to your own embassy to get the Ministry of Foreign Affairs authentication. This is required for the certificate to be valid in your home country. Please note that if both of you are of different nationalities, then you need to complete the procedures mentioned above at your respective embassies.
For Hindu Weddings:
Ceremonies in Hindu temples are not legally recognised. Legal procedures and registration for Indian nationals are handled by their embassy. The website provides all the guidelines and forms.
For further details contact-
For Islamic Weddings:
If you are not a UAE citizens then, a valid UAE residence visa is required.
The next step to take is to go to the Marriage Section of the Dubai Court along with the following-
- The bride’s father or guardian or his attorney.
- Passports as well as copies along with identification papers for the guardian and witnesses.
- Two male Muslim witnesses.
- Proof of divorce or death of husband for the bride if applicable.
- If the bride is Muslim, and her father is not, she needs a no objection letter from her embassy (or consulate) in Arabic (or translated into Arabic and attested by the Ministry of Justice) and attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- You’ll receive a UAE marriage license.
- 100 AED for fees (Keep extra cash at hand just in case).
- To authenticate it for validity in your home country, take it to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and then your embassy (or consulate) for authentication at each stop.
Marriage between ‘Expatriates of different religions’
In the case of mixed marriages; a few points have to be considered. If the groom is Muslim and bride is not, contact the Marriage Section of the Dubai court. You may be able to get married there. The above stated procedure for Islamic marriages will be followed.
If the bride is Muslim and the bridegroom is not, you cannot get married in Dubai until the groom converts to Islam. For religions other than Islam or Christianity, contact your respective embassies to find out what the best procedure is.
Christian churches will usually only marry a couple if both are Christians, however the Christ Church Jebel Ali, will marry the couple so long as one of you is a Christian with a baptism certificate.
Marriage between ‘Expatriates with Non-religious ideologies’
UAE expats which have no particular religious interests need to complete the paperwork in their respective countries. If both of you have no religious inclinations, and would like to have a Dubai blessing ceremony performed instead of a religious one then an officiate needs to be contacted. Please contact your embassy to gain more information on the same.
What are the legal requirements
- Legal age for marriage is 18 years for both men and women (for an Anglican marriage).
- Bride and Groom may not be related (not required in case of Muslim marriages).
- Two witnesses are required who must show IDs.
- The legalities vary widely per nationality, so it is best to check with your embassy in UAE before planning your marriage.
- Generally it is easier if you are of the same religion.
How long a residence should I have held to get married here?
There are no residency requirements to get married in the UAE; however it takes at least 4 weeks to sort out the paperwork.
What are the legal requirements?
- Full birth certificates
- Ten year passports and photocopies
- Passports and photocopies of two witnesses
- UAE Medical fitness certificate and blood test undertaken at Ministry of Health affiliated medical centres
- Sworn affidavit stating that you are free to marry
- If you have been divorced then the final divorce papers and your former marriage certificate must be shown.
- If you are widowed then the death certificate of your previous spouse must be shown.
Dubai based wedding planner- Clare Ebbs of The Perfect Moment took time out to share a few tips for our brides-to-be!
- Check with your embassy, as the requirements may differ based on religion and nationality. For example, the Russian embassy will not recognise a Dubai based marriage; you would need to arrange the official paperwork in Russia, and then carry out a blessing in Dubai. If you do marry in Dubai then it will not be recognised if you go back to Russia, you would be seen as ‘single’ and if you are seen as married in Dubai then you cannot remarry in Russia. It can cause a world of complications so it is best to check first!
- Make sure you suss out all the legal requirements for your marriage before you start the fun and creative planning!
- Make sure you gather all the required documents such as passport copies, birth certificates as soon as possible; this will help speed up the legal process.
- For most religions, you will need to marry in a place of worship; do not let this dissuade you if you are not highly ‘religious’. You can register your marriage at the embassy in the morning of the wedding; or a few days prior. You can then ask the priest to carry out a blessing with all your wedding guests as part of your wedding celebrations.
- If you are considering UAE as your wedding destination, then it may be worthwhile to legally marry in your country, and then come to Dubai for the ‘wedding’ – this can then be a blessing on the beach or in the desert or whatever you feel would be your ‘perfect wedding’ scene.
We hope that this post gives you relevant information, and proves to be helpful. If you need to gain more information regarding a particular topic related to legalities of getting married in the UAE, Please contact your local embassy or the courts!
Have a great time planning your wonderful wedding!
For “Christian” weddings in Dubai, one of the 2 getting married must be a Christian (not necesary for both) and you must be able to prove that ie. a babtism certificate…..
Hi I’m ailyn I already convert Muslim I’m single,and my bf also convert Muslim and we are planning to get married to Sharjah court, but the problem is my bf was already married to Philippine,with a christian lady and they separated with in 10 years.I’m asking if we are allowed to marry with him herein uae thanks for your response..
Even if you converted to muslim and so as your BF, previous marriages in the Philippines should be annulled first before getting married under sharia. Hope this answer helps.
With regards to a Muslim male and a Christian female getting married in Dubai,
-both are residents
-both are muslim/christian by birth but have no particular religious interests
-both hold different nationalities (bride holds Greek passport)
Can they have a non-religious wedding? A few more questions:
-Will the court agree to marry the couple in a non-religious manner?
-The Greek embassy/consulate informed us that we can get married there. Is that considered legal enough in Dubai?
-If we choose to get married in the embassy, is there anything else we need to do to be legally married in Dubai?
Thank you :)
Hi there – Congrats on your engagement and welcome to Bride Club ME :). Unfortunately we are not an authority on all the legal implications and can only suggest and advise. If the consulate is saying it is OK and fully legal, then there should be no issue – Is the husband or wife Muslim as this makes a difference? Many people, have a religious ceremony first and then a blessing, with their own vows, with family and friends present.. A ‘celebrant’ is used to conduct the blessing if the couple are not very religious. We really suggest contacting the civil courts and your embassy for sound and realistic advise. Good luck.
I would like to know if we could marry without the permission of my girlfriend father or any other. As iam a resident in UAE and planning to bring her on visit and get married and settle here in UAE.
Hi Nasir – That would really depend on yours and her religion and where you are from?
Hi there I’m mylene from Philippines me and my fiancé are planning to get married this month ..but because of my company problem …they want to cancel my visa same this month..I just want to ask ..can I get married to my fiancé even my company canceled my visa.thanks hope for your answer
Hi Mylene. This is something you really need to check with the church (if you are Christian) or your embassy, but I do believe you can legally marry here on a tourist visa :)
Hi,i’m living @ uae srilankan Hindu.. I would like to marry a Pinay christian.. pls advice me thx
Hi I’m mylene i have already some requirements for marriage especially my medical reports but only we are only waiting 1 document from Philippine and this is my parents consent…but because of having a problem to my company they want to cancel my visa this month. Me and my fiancé are planning to get married also this month just waiting for 1 document…my question is can i still get married to my fiancé here in Abu Dhabi..even my employer cancelled my visa before my marriage..plz answer thanks for your help
Hi mule me, same situation how u finalize that problem please advice me
Salam, I’m Fathma and i just want to ask regarding my problem of getting married here in UAE. I am Filipina and new muslim and my fiancee is a muslim also and from Pakistan. He have first wife and first wife not agree for us to marry, so now we are facing this problem. Can you help me to know if its required in Dubai Sharia Court to have the consent of first wife? Thanks i hope you can help me.
Hi Fathma – Congrats on your engagement. If his first wife is no agreeing, I think you may be facing an issue. It is best to check with the Dubai Courts directly, as we are not an authority on such issues. Wishing you the best of luck.
Hi, I’m Theresa from Russia ( Muslim) – resident in Italy, engaged to a German passport holder ( Christian Protestant) , resident in China :) Can we have a blessing ceremony in Dubai? As obviously we cannot have a legal marriage due to religion difference & we cannot physically stay in Dubai 21 days.
Hi there. Congrats :) Yes, you can absolutely have a blessing in Dubai! Feel free to email me for contacts xx Rhiannon@brideclubme.com
Hello ..
I know it’s late to ask, but I have same situation I’m Muslim girl and I’m planned to marry a Christian (Lutheran) man… Where did you marry him? In which country you did? Because I’m living in U.A.E & I have to find a place to marry each other which accept us..
I would like to ask you is It possible for me & my boyfriend to get married in our consulate (Indian) without our parents permission.. Am a Hindu & he is a Christian.. We both are working here & we are in our company visa..
Thanks for this info. I was looking everywhere for this and like the bride in your comic (although I am a man) I was stressed. Now my case and questions:
I am a Muslim by birth on a residence visa in Dubai, my finacee who I know for 7 years is Russian and an Orthodox Christian by birth, lives in Moscow. We want to get married in Dubai and have her move here.
– Can she come over on a tourist visa and get married to me in a Sharia court? or should we get married in Russia and then go through the long registration process?
– Are there any salary/document requirements I need to fulfill?
Would be grateful if anyone could help with this ASAP :)
Dear Brother Hasaan,
I am in a same situation like you. Were you finally able to get married in Dubai ? Please reply
Thank you for your comments! As mentioned in the feature, for further information pertaining to specific requirements/documents needed – PLEASE contact the courts or your local embassy. Wishing you all the very best in your wedding planning.
I am from India, Religion Hindu. I am 1 year younger than my girlfriend (Christian – Orthodox). Is it possible to get married in dubai court with her Father’s presence?
She is from Europe
Please advise regarding the 10 years passport, is that really require.
My passport only 5 years and my fiance as well.
We are moeslim but different nationality.
Please advise as we are tying to call the sharia court 0430304606 but no body answer.
kindly also advise the address of the sharia court where we have to go to ask the requirement.
What we should do first.
Assalmualikum.i m md mubeen .marrid to hindu convrted to muslim girl who is working in saudi .kw she is tryng to tk me on famly visa bt in hr pass port her old hindu name is presnt.bt in marege certificte hr new name tht is meher fatima .cn she apply for famly visa pls guide urgnt
hi..im sarah from phill.i want to ask im muslim now and have bf my bf propose me to merry but im married in phill.im allowed
to marry him or no..if ever im allowed to marry him the papers is legal in phill. or only here in dubai?hope u answer my problemm…thank u..
Thank you for all your comments – Please contact your nearest embassy to answer serious legal questions. We are not an authority on the subject and would advise you seek professional advice!! Good luck
Respected sir/Madam.iam junaid.. Iam an inidian and my girlfriend is a philipina . we are living in uae and planned to get marry from here . we are both muslims….but my question is what documents are should i submit? what documents arshe should submit? should we attest the requred documents from our home country government deppartment? ok if we should attest it…fron where we can attest it? As a man what documents are required to submit in court? please i hope u will answer me as soon as posible. thank u so much sir/madam
I am a muslim and my gf is also a muslim. We both are Expatriates in UAE. We both like each other and want to get married, with our parents consent. They are not willing and we want to continue with the marriage. We want to know what is the procedure and is it not possible to get married in UAE without the girl’s Father’s consent.
We have tried talking to the girls father several times, but he is money minded and looking for an ATM type of guy for the girl. We are together for more than 12 years now. My parents would agree on our marriage, but it all comes down to the girl’s father not agreeing.
Is there any way, if anyone has faced the same scenario and we be advised on the same.
Hi Arshad – I am really sorry you are going through this with your parents :( Love should not be bound by these things. I really wish I could advise you, but this is a very personal issue. You need to check with the courts and your local embassy and of course, try reasoning with your fiances father. Wishing you the best of luck x
Hey Arshad
Im in a similar situation. Any luck?
I want to know that if I marry with muslim boy what are the requirements here in uae as I want to be married next month///???? On the other hand I will not provide the witness of my family because they don’t want me to marry with the muslim boy.
Hi, my husband and I are planning for a blessing ceremony. We have been married for 16, close to 17 years, and we very much like to be blessed by an imam. Should I have the hotel arrange the ceremony? Advice?
Hi Kim – Congrats – I suggest contacting a wedding planner for advice, they often arrange blessings, a hotel can arrange the ceremony for you too though.
I am a indian muslim and my fiance from filippine new muslim and her family not muslim.. we want maried this month in rak court.. we both have UAE residence visa.. wat requirements want?
Pls canu tell me as soon as possible?? My contact number 0505116577
thank u
Hi there. Congrats. Please read the feature and then contact the courts directly for the correct requirements. Thank you.
Dear sir/ maam,
i am a filipino and recently working in uae..i am wondering if i and my fiance from malaysia which is muslim ca be posiibly married here in uae when he come here? I am a christian filipina but willing to convert to his religion ..i hope to hear something from you.thank you
Hi! I’m Jacque.. I’d like to ask because we are planning to get married here in UAE. I’m working here and a resident.. We just want to have a Civil Wedding.. But My fiance is coming from Singapore, he is working and living there.. Is it possible for us to conduct the marriage here? I’m going to have him his Visit Visa anyways. I’d be happy to wait for your reply. Thank you so much!
Hi there,
Me and my fiance are both expat muslims living in Dubai – we are planning to get married in Dubai Court and I’m just wondering if we need to produce a pre marital medical test or not.
Thanks for your help
Hi there and congrats :) To be honest, we do not know the answer and have never heard of such requirements. It’s best to check directly with the courts. Good luck.
salam , I am an Indian muslim girl from kuwait and wish to get marry with a pakistani muslim boy who is resident of UAE Dubai , my parents are agree but lease advice me can i get marry with him on visit or tourist visa and if my brother also a resident of Dubai buy father is in kuwait can he gives authority to my brother and how please guide me thanks
salam , I am an Indian muslim girl from kuwait and wish to get marry with a pakistani muslim boy who is resident of UAE Dubai , my parents are agree but lease advice me can i get marry with him on visit or tourist visa and my brother also a resident of Dubai but my father is in kuwait can he gives authority to my brother and how please guide me thanks
salam . iam Pakistani iam plaing to marry on this month my finance she is from india but she is living in kuwait can you tell me what are the requirements she will come here on visit visa can we get married on visit visa and court will give us date or same day we can get married she is coming with her family the full details thanks
Salam – Congrats. Please read the article and then contact your local embassy/courts for exact information. Good luck.
can you give me your contact number please
For what purpose?
Thank you for all your comments – PLEASE contact your nearest embassy to answer serious legal questions. We are NOT an authority on the subject and would advise you seek professional advice!! Our advice, is advice, rules and regulations change annually and you need to contact the correct authorities for clear guidance and information. Good luck
im a filipina, and my fiance is from pakistani..he is a muslim and im a christian, we are planning to get married here in dubai..i just wanna know what is the requirements??
Hi..I’m a filipina. Me and my syrian fiancé of coarse he is a muslim and I’m converted
ted also.we plan to get married in uae.my problem I that I was married before in christian
Ian but I’m already separated 11 years.how can I get married with my fiancé?
Hi Melissa. Thanks for your comment and congrats. Are you “divorced” or “seperated”? If you are divorced, it should be fine to marry. But please check with the courts.
i am ahsan from Pakistan and my girl friend from mexico he get divorced and now she want to marry me .we want to marry in U.A.E .she come U.A.E on visit visa and me also come U.A..E on visit visa .she become Muslim and me also Muslim she also have parents permission for marriage .i want know is this is possible we get married on visit visa ? and court register our marriage because we want to legalized our marriage in our embassies please can we marry on visit visa ?we both have also unmarried certificate and parents permission .both Muslims
i m ahsan from Pakistan and my girl friend from mexico we want to marry in U.A.E .is this possible to get married on visit visa ,we both come on visit visa and want to marry
Hi there. Congrats. Please check with the courts and your embassy to be sure.
Good day im a muslim (converted) i would like to know if i want to marry my muslim boyfriend what i can do the problem is i dont have a seperation paper or death certificate is it still possible for us to be married? I need your help pls..thanks
Is it possible to mudlim girl marry with christian man in dubai if not possible wgat is thbest solution to do this marriage
Sam – Did you read the article? The answers regarding your question, are stated within the article itself.
I heard there is a dress code/attire that should be worn when getting married in a court in Dubai. Cant find it anywhere on the internet, any help?
Hi Mahreen – Please contact the court directly for the correct information regarding dress code.
hi there,
i would like to asking about some info about marriage , can i marry with Philippine girl she’s convert in ISLAM already but she have already husband there in her country but they both was saprate. so how could we marry we both didn’t understand this situation is that any body have right answer how we do marry ,
hi there,
i would like to asking about some info about marriage , can i marry with Philippine girl she’s convert in ISLAM already but she have already husband there in her country but they both was saprate. so how could we marry we both didn’t understand this situation is that any body have right answer how we do marry , please male me at my email id, seharn143@yahoo.com
Thank you for your comment! As mentioned in the feature, for further information pertaining to specific requirements/documents needed – PLEASE contact the courts or your local embassy. Wishing you all the very best in your wedding planning.
Hi… my boyfriend is a US citizen and I’am a filipina, Im working here dubai, he will arrived here on March 2015 to visit me, but we want to get married here March, on civil since he will not stay long.. what do i need to do? is it possible?
hope to hear from uou soon.. Thanks!
same problem as me, the only difference is that we’re both working here for almost two years.
same problem here my bf is from Greece, he will just come to Dubai and marry me here and then we’ll fly to his country after the marriage.
We have the same situation. Did you get married in dubai? Me and my finacee are planning to get married. He’s coming on aug.
Hi.my girlfriend is from philipine and she allready convert in muslim religon and we want marry in dubai she is singal but when she convert muslim her father and mother is angry with her and thay don’t want gibe her permition to marry with muslim i need help thanks
hi, This is chue from the Philippines. Ive just got engage last September this year with my American Fiancee. We are planning to get married here but we really dont know where to start. We’re both Catholic and hoping to get a Church Wedding.We badly need advice. Thank you and looking forward for your reply.
Thank you for your comment! Did you read the feature? Most if your questions are answered within the content. Wishing you all the very best in your wedding planning.
Hi my name is habiba and im a uae resident since past 17 years ..I’m planning to get married to my 2nd cousin he’s basically a qatar resident ..and is on a visit in uae..i want to know what are the requirements of marriage for this..we both are Muslims and my parents are also willing for our wedding ..i just want to know whats the procedure of nikah ..
Please advise ..
Thank you for your comment! As mentioned in the feature, for further information pertaining to specific requirements/documents needed – PLEASE contact the courts or your local embassy. Wishing you all the very best in your wedding planning.
Thanks alot for ur reply..
I also wanted to know that I’m on father sponsorship and my visa is from Abu Dhabi so do i need to check in abu dhabi court only or i can go to dubai or shj also for this ??
Pleasr advise..
DEAR ALL – Thank you for your comments! As mentioned in the feature, for further information pertaining to specific requirements/documents needed – PLEASE contact the courts or your local embassy. Wishing you all the very best in your wedding planning.
HI, my name is Linda, i am filipino and a devoted Christian, i am single and met an Indian muslim in baptism here in Dubai and this man starts to embrace Christianity who proposed marriage to me. My questions are: are we allowed to marry here in Dubai?, if so, what will be the exact procedure and what are the requirements? Or, if both of us will marry in Philippines then comeback here in Dubai, what we gonna, what are the procedures and the rest of regulations to be followed in order to obtain legality as husband and wife. Please your reply is highly appreciated. thanks.
hi there.. i need some help.. i am a muslim filipina and my bf is uae national and we’re planning to get married.. what are needed documents? i hope u can reply me thanks
Hi everyone,
I hv a question to solve it out.
I would like to marry a filpina here in Dubai, by the thing is she already married, and her husband leaved her long ago.
presently she staying separately and her old husband already married with another girl and now they are happy with their life.
I world like to ask – as she is free from her past and she she don’t hv any communications with past, can we marry he’re in Dubai?
she is filpina and im am Indian.
Plz reply.
I am a filipina and my fiancé is Indian, we both share the same religion-Roman Catholic. A Muslim lady claims to be engaged
and married to him for quite sometime now. Will it be possible that she is really married to him even without the guy converting himself to Islam?
I would like to also know what kind of legal actions I can do so the lady will not keep on bothering us after marriage.
hello, am amoslem and my fiance is christian. do u think there is any chance for me to get married in UAE
Hi l’m jean actually i was married in Philippines from a UAE national and we have a 1 baby. I just wanted to know how to make legal the documents here in UAE. Hope that i can get a positive response.
Hi Jean. Congrats! Please speak to the courts direct for correct information.
Hi! I just want to know if we can marry @ dubai court we are both filipino … My boyfriend is converted muslim and already married in the philippines .Im a catholic and single ..but i dont want to convert to muslim .Is it possibble to get married in dubaj vourt?
Hi Michelle. Congrats :) Please read the feature and then contact the courts direct with your enquiry.
I Want to marry in Dubai my fiancé is in India I am on residence visa in UAE.My parents are planning to call my fiancé on visit visa to Dubai and do our marriage in Dubai, So is it possible that my fiancé can marry with me on visit visa?
Waiting for your reply thanks.
hi there, i am a female non muslim expatriate and planning to get marry this coming september with a married muslim expatriate also and his first wife is a local muslim here in uae. is it possible for us to get marry without the consent of the first wife as they’re are not in good terms also? are we allowed to get marry in the court here in uae? because in our consulate, they only solemnize marriage when have the same nationality. thanks
Hi! Im a Filipina, me and my Nigerian fiance is planning to get married in Ajman Court. They are only asking for my fathers Power of Attorney for someone to stand as my guardian here. But it’s not clear to me if that Power of Attorney should be red ribboned from my country or I can just go to my consula to have iy stamp and to ministry of affairs in Sharjah. It’s not really clear to me…
I Want to marry a pakistani girl and i m indian working in abu dhabi… Can i sponsor her for visit in UAE and get married in UAE ?? Is it Possible ??? She is planning to come on visit after two months on visit. If she comes here i just want to get married with her as soon as possible… can anyone of you help me how to make possible or procedure that we can stay happily here ????
I also want to know .. plz tell me … Same question I have
Am an Indian &I love a phillipino now in Dubai how I can get her to India.what the procedures that she want to get a Indian nationality
Hi Seby.
Sorry, we cannot help you with this query. Please speak to your embassy.
Do you know what the procedure is to get married at the British Embassy in Dubai – two British Nationals with UAE visas?
Hi Nicola.
You would need to contact the Embassy Direct for the correct and most update information.
Embassies may require a sworn affidavit and Notice of Marriage to register the wedding.
According to the British Embassy, a church will need a Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage before conducting the ceremony. This can take up to three weeks to process. The embassy or consulate can help you apply. Or if either of you are Catholic, you can contact the Christ Church Jebel Ali, to legally wed there :) Best of luck!
hello sir/madam
i ask some information i m pakistani national and my gf is philppine national i want merry .but i dont no what is proses in mery she is christion and i m muslim and what is merry fee and what is proses
thanks plz help me
Hi, my name is Gladys, Filipina working here in Dubai with resident visa. Is it possible for my boyfriend from Greece to visit me here and at the same time do our marriage here? and right after the marriage he will take me to his country to stay with him for good. Hope you can answer me or give me referrals. Thanks
Hi! I am maureen. My boyfriend and me is planning to get married soon here in dubai, my bf is a nepali christian. I would like to know if what are tje requirements for marriage. Hope you will help. Thank you in advance..
Can foreigner marry emarati with tourist visa?
Hello! I’m an American Orthodox Christian engaged to a Muslim Egyptian living in the UAE. What are your takes on: 1 – civil marriage out of the country to avoid Sharia Law restrictions? 2 – how to be prepared in protecting myself / possible children in case of divorce… 3 – Positives and Negatives of Civil Marriage out of country vs. Islamic Marriage contract here in UAE…. Thanks so much!!!
Dear Mdeeb, thankyou for visiting Bride Club ME.
Please note that we cannot comment on legal matters as we are not qualified – however many couples choose to do their ‘legal’ marriage outside the country and then do their blessing here for a variety of reasons. It’s definitely something that’s worth looking into and can be beneficial for a whole range of reasons.
We would recommend speaking to a lawyer with regards to your other questions, please let us know if you would like us to put you in contact with a great family lawyer.
Assallam o alaikum i m filipina and new muslim before when i m christan i m married …. i just want to know now me and my bf want to marry so wht papers we need fir marry …. i dont have divorced paper from my ex husband but i have red ribbon … can u plz help us and tell me without divorced paper is it possible to marry with my bf my ex husbnd is christan and i m muslim now
Aasalam Alaykum Mariam, what do you mean you have red ribbon?? you mean affidavit of parents consent??marica
Assallam o alaikum
Me and my gf want to marry she is new muslim from filipin she already married and her ex husbnd is christan ….i just want to know we need divorced paper or only red ribbon wht documnets we need for marry ….
Hi my name is Arlene, I want ask if is it needs fathers consent to get married in Abu Dhabi court?
I’m 26 years old already. My bf is buddist.
Anybody got married in Abu Dhabi court? What are the requirements?
Please I want your comments..
Dear Arlene,
Generally you need to be muslim (or at least, the man does) in order to marry in the UAE courts. Your best bet would be to contact your embassy and see if they can perform a marriage there.
Again though, we are not legally qualified to give advise regarding the court systems, you would be best advised to contact either your embassy or a qualified lawyer for further details!
Wishing you the very best of luck,
Hey Fairy Bride Mother :)
Thanks for an article that’s actually useful!
Just wanted some advice… My Fiancee and I are British Citizens living and working in the UAE, we want to ideally have our wedding in the UK however due to financial difficulties we can’t yet.. but obviously we would like to live together etc without breaking any laws.. so my other half has been told that there’s a type of marriage you can get in the UAE but it will just be valid within the UAE and that’s it…
I’ve been researching but found nothing, do you know anything about this? :) Many thanks in advance x
Dear Lozenge,
Depending upon both of your religions, there are a few options. All marriages out here are legal everywhere, so you will be technically married, but many expatriates split their ‘legal’ wedding and ‘blessing’
Personally, we had our ‘legal’ wedding at Jebel Ali Christ Church a few months before our main ceremony, and told our family it was just a procedural thing which wasn’t recognized outside the UAE.
Our family went along with it so that worked out fine ;)
We’d recommend either contacting the church or the Islamic courts, depending of course on your religion, and taking it from there. You’ll just need 2 witnesses for a church wedding so it’s reasonably easy to make people think your main wedding is the real one :)
Best of luck!
Asslam walikum
I’m Rohan I’m reverted Muslim but I don’t have any official converted document I’m from India working in Dubai last 1 yes I’m getting marry with my girlfriend she is from gorgia USA citizens she is converted Muslim she have all caverted document .she come in dubbai for 1.week to marry with me please give me details how I get marry and UAE marriage certification is valid in USA ? Advice me rohanp51@Gmail.com
Source: http://www.dubai.ae/en/Lists/Articles/DispForm.aspx?ID=23&category=Citizens
Under the Sharia Law applicable in the UAE, marriage is the only legal bond for a man and a woman to establish a relationship and have children. It is prohibited for an unmarried man and woman to live together or share a closed space. As per Article 365 of the UAE Penal Code, the punishment can include a jail term followed by deportation.
Marriage in Islam is a legal contract between a man and a woman, aimed at safeguarding the rights of the couple and their children. The marriage contract should be registered in a Sharia court in the UAE, which ensures that the marriage meets legal requirements. For non-Islamic marriages, couples should contact their church or embassy and follow the marriage laws applicable there.
To get married at Dubai Courts through an Islamic (Sharia) marriage, the following conditions should be fulfilled:
1. Before you visit Dubai Courts, you need to register electronically through the Court’s website. Once you fill up the electronic form and submit, you will receive a reference number in your email which you should carry along with you on your visit to Dubai Courts.
Before you visit Dubai Courts, you need to register electronically through the Court’s website. Once you fill up the electronic form and submit, you will receive a reference number in your email which you should carry along with you on your visit to Dubai Courts.
At least one party to the marriage contract (husband, wife or wife’s guardian) should have employment or residence visa in Dubai. Spouses should bring their national ID and passports for proof of their identity and visa status.
A spouse’s age should not exceed double of their partner. If either spouse is less than 18 years of age, approval of the Chief Justice of Personal Status Court should be obtained.
The couple should furnish a pre-marital medical certificate issued from a Dubai government hospital/government clinic to rule out diseases such as thalassemia or HIV/AIDS.
Both spouses should present themselves, along with the bride’s father and two Muslim male witnesses. In case, the bride’s father is no longer alive, relevant death certificate to be shown and presence of closest male guardian is required (example adult son, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew). If bride’s father is alive but unable to come in person, he can delegate a proxy guardian, who must be of the same religion as that of the bride’s father, to complete marriage procedures through an officially certified power of attorney.
The fee for the marriage contract at Dubai Courts varies from AED 60 to AED 500 depending on the procedures. The authorized marriage officers at Dubai Courts will advise you on this.
In addition to the conditions given above, there are other special conditions for newly converted Muslims, divorcees, widows, widowers and for marriage of UAE female with expatriates.
Newly converted female Muslims should submit ‘certificate of embracing Islam’ and certificates from any Islamic centre approved by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf). Divorcees should submit official certificate / divorce judgement. Widows and Widowers should submit death certificate of their late spouse. All certificates not issued in the UAE should be legally translated into Arabic. Power of attorney and other certificates issued from a country outside the UAE should be legally translated and ratified by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country, UAE Embassy of that country, UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and UAE Ministry of Justice.
Dubai Courts has more than 20 authorized marriage officers (Mazoons) to perform marriage ceremonies, draw up the marriage contract and check all documentation. At the end of the marriage procedure, you can use the decorated wedding room at Dubai Courts to take a few photographs to document your special day before you proceed to your wedding party.
List of Medical Centres for Pre-Marital Medical Certificates:
Abu hail
Al Ghussais
Al Lusaily
Al Barsha
Al Mankhool
Al Safa
Nad Al Sheba
Nad Al Hamar
Al Badaa
Al Khawaneej
Al Mamzar
Al Twar
Umm Suqeim
Al Mizhar
List of licensed marriage officials – Dubai Courts
Name Address Phone Mobile
Dr.Aref Al Sheikh Abdulla Al Hassan Alrashdia 2693944 0506253377
Abdul Jabar Mohammed Al Majed Alrashdia 2661154 –
Mohammed Al Said Ahmed Al Hashemi Altwar 3344475 0506442100
Thani Saeed Essa Alfalsi Almamzer 3456345 0506454236
Essa Bin Abdulla Al Humeeri Alsafa 2666243 0555533908
Dr.Saif Rashid Matar Al Jabri Meshrif 2627711 0506240250
Omar Mohammed Sharef Al Kateeb Almazher 2694692 0506440640
Mohammed Abdul Raheem Sultan
Al Olamaa Alrashdia 7064745-03 0506440374
Abdul Rahman Ahmed Abdulla Dhabooi 2688952 0506259996
Dr. Ahmad Abdulaziz Al HadadDubai – Albastkia 6087650-04 0505515104
More here: http://www.dubaicourts.gov.ae/portal/page?_pageid=292%2c457284&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
Thank you for the detailed information – We are sure it will help out readers. x
I’m a Filipina and my Boyfriend is nepali and we want to get married here in Abu dhabi, I’m single but my boyfriend was separated with his wife and she go back to nepal last year because he found that his wife was playing other man. Is there any possibility to marry him and what are the requirements required to marry him. We fall inlove each other and he is also ready to marry me.
I would like to know what are the medical procedures for getting married in Dubai? We both are from the same religion and are expatriates. I have a UAE residency visa while he does not. Does it take a lot of time to get the medical check up done? As he is in India, I would like to know how many days before the wedding should he be here for the medical check up and what is the validity of the medical certificate till it reaches the court?
Hi. How are you? I need advice. Me and my fiance are planning to get married legally. I am filipina and a converted muslim with NSO conversion papers but i am still using my catholic passport name, my fiance is an egyptian and a muslim. Now i am here in Abu dhabi under tourist visa for 3 months and we are expecting a baby girl this coming february. Is it possible for me and him to get married here legally? Whats the best thing to do to be legally married before i gave birth? I hope you can help us. Thank you very much.
Hi, how an Indian hindu religion and Serbian cristian girl can get married here? Does one of us need to change religion ? I am trying to find answer for this long time…please advice
Hi! Im christian and my Bf is muslim. We both living in abu dhabi and we are planning to get married. What are the requiremnts? And is it necessary to have my father’s consent for the marriage?? Thank you
Dear I want to Ask one question. that i am from Pakistan and my Girlfriend is from India we are living in UAE and we are planning to get married. What are the requiremnts? And is it necessary to have any of us father’s consent for the marriage??
Thank you
Asalam o alikum
My name is Daud khan. and I working in Abu Dhabi . I love my cousin and she also . we both are Muslims . . the problem is tat she is from UK national and I’m from Pakistan . we both want to marry in Abu Dhabi . but her father didn’t like to marry me hus daughter . . she will cme here and she want to marry me . plz cooperate / advise .that wat we can do
Hii, I am an Indian Muslim and my bride to be, is also an indian muslim. We both hold resident visas of UAE. Would like to know if we would have to get a signed affidavit from Indian Embassy to get married in Dubai. Does the Dubai Court have a requirement of this document. The information given on internet in this matter as well as the pre marriage medical certificate is so confusing, incomplete, etc. If anyone has done the same, could they please help me out on what would be the step by step procedure and how much time does it take to get it all done. My marriage would be in mid of January 2016 and would want to know if we can just do a walk in at the Dubai Court? Does any thing need to be typed from the typing centre, as the other website of Dubai court asked to fill a form, but it also mentioned that it needs to be typed in Arabic :(
sometimes i feel, going back to India and getting the marriage done is a easier way to opt out :( but definately that would be time consuming as well as money.
Am local from UAE and am. Married am planning to marry a girl but not local I did not find her yet but do I need to know if I will marry a girl do I need her father approval?
She will not be muslim so do do I still need to do that?
My name is Taher, I’m from India and my girl friend is from phillipines we don’t have singleness certificate… since we are living in uae how can we obtain it from here .. Our passport says we are single and there is DOB as well. please give any solution if documentation can be done from here in uae.
Hi there. Please read through the feature and contact your local embassy and the courts for up to date advice. Best of luck!
hello ….. i am a Pakistani Muslim and my fiance shes a American national christian we want to marry in dubai but on visit visas so it is possible to get married there and what documents should required for both of us.
hi there, i’m Maria from Philippines and my boyfriend is German. I’m catholic and he’s is Christian. We are both residence of Abu Dhabi. Will the Philippine Consulate allow us to have a Civil wedding? Please, I need help and recommendations. Thank you!!!
i would like to know am a christian women(NATIONALITY-KENYA) ,i want to get marry a Hindu man(NATIONALITY -INDIA ) in UAE,WHATS REQUIRED FOR THIS MARRIAGE,
I’m a filipina recently came here in dubai with tourist visa, I am delayed and I got my PT done with positive result.
My Fiance and I are planning to get married here. We are both christian. Are we allowed to have civil wedding here even we are holding tourist visa only.?
Hi there. Please read through the feature and contact your local embassy and the courts for up to date advice. Best of luck!
I’m a Bangladeshi Muslim (divorced) man and my fiance is a converted Muslim (christian to Islam) lady from Philippines. Both are resident here in Dubai for long.
Can you guide us how we can get married – procedures, steps, documentation etc. Or a reliable sources of information that we can trust?
Hi there. Please read through the feature and contact your local embassy and the courts for up to date advice. Best of luck!
Hi I’m Fatima from Philippines me and my fiancé are planning to get married this month .we got have my papers firm philippnes .but because of my company problem …they cancelled my visa same this month..I just want to ask ..can I get married to my fiancé even my company canceled my visa.
thanks hope for your answer!
Hi there. Please read through the feature and contact your local embassy and the courts for up to date advice. Best of luck!
Salamalaykum I’m Fatima from Philippines me and my fiancé are planning to get married this month ..but because of my company problem, I just want to ask ..can I get married to my fiancé even my company canceled my visa.thanks hope for your answer
Hi there. Please read through the feature and contact your local embaassy and the courts for up to date advice. Best of luck!
I am from india Living in dubai valied residence visa.am hindu .my girfriend from filipones and she is a christian.what is the simple process for getting married in uae.where wecan get married I uae.plese replay
Please read the feature. If it does not answer your questions, please contact your embassy for up to date information. Good luck!
i am a widow muslim women,i dont have birth certificate i lost it already is the procees will go smothly for nikah what else will be the hurdles?
I am planing to get married am from Nigeria I want to bring my wife on tourist please can we get married without her getting residence visa and what is ten years passport is all about can u explain and like how’s much it will cost us all
is it possible to get married in any hotels in Dubai or only have ‘blessings’
You cannot legally marry in a UAE hotel.
I have marriage certificatr from dubai court…its acceptable in indonesia or i need to re register in indonesia ??
Dear Sir/Madam, Good day to you.
My self Shujauddin (India -Muslim) age 26 I’m working in Abu Dhabi and having residence valid Abu Dhabi visa, I want to marry my cousin age 27 (Muslim) she is US citizen, she will come to UAE on visit visa for short period (2 weeks ) with her parents,
she will stay in hotel, we want to get married in Dubai / Abu Dhabi as per Islamic sharia , could you please help me for smooth process (paper work) and contact point of persons if possible.
Note : I have Abu dhabi visa, i want to get marriage in dubai court if its possible what is the procedure to approach?
awaiting for your kindly reply and Thanks a lot,
Hi..I am a filipina with a Saudi Fiancee.He is a Muslim and I’m a Christian.Can we marry here in Uae even there’s still no approval from his government? There’s a law in Saudi that if the local wants to marry with a foreigners they need to get an approval from his government before getting married..please reply.thanks.
You can never marry your Saudi Fiancé until he receives an approval from the K.S.A. government on which he have to apply in his country.
Hello m sujan n m a nepali i hav a girlfren here in uae n she is philipiines n we r planning to get get married bt the problem is i dont have the single ness certificate whic prove m single
Can u plz advice me what can i do to merry without hav that certificate its urgent
I am a Filipina Christian and will marry an Egyptian Muslim, My Proof of singleness was issued back in October 2015. I never went out of the country (UAE) after the issuance. My question is, is there an expiration for proof of singleness If I will present the same documents to Dubai Court or Egypt Consulate.
Hello, I need help. I am a Filipina ang working here in Dubai and I’m separated from my husband in Philippines. I want to marry with my current Emirati boyfriend here in Dubai. My question is, can I apply divorce or file divorce here on Dubai? Can I marry an Emarati national as I am a filipina? Pls help
There is no divorce in Philippines, though you can file for an annulment. You should be in the Philippines in order to file this case. However, you can hire a good lawyer there to fix all the papers for you on a hefty amount. Good luck!
hi im aisha converted muslim from philippines and i have a boyfriend from pakistan residing in abu dhabi we are planning to do nikah as per islamic way…i havent got my convertion certificate how can we do nikah and what are the things needed to do nikah.
Hello I m Ehsan from Pakistan I want to get marriage in u a e my girlfriend u s a citizen we both Christian we will come on visitor visa for marriage which need of document for marriage in Dubai
Salam brother. I am also coming to get marry there ti my Pak Christian fianxee. I am EU national and we both are staying on visit visa and gonna marry at church. Did you suceed?
Assalamu alaikum. I would like to know the rules of nikah in ajman court.girl father ir bro no one not here.but she is ready for nikah.so what i will do?
Hello i am a uae citizen and me and my boyfriend are muslims we want to get married but hes from syria, is it still possible and what are the things needed ? Does my father have to accept the marriage ? What about the brothers ?
Thank you for your comment Hessa. Please speak to your local Embassy and the courts for up to date information.
hi I am mhel I have a fiance which is Muslim and we are planning to get married this year the problem is my dad doesn’t want me to marry a Muslim guy because my family is Catholic but mys sister and my brother is with me and they both like my fiance to be my husband… I’d like to ask if we can still get marry if my brother will stand as my guardian.. Hope u can advise m…
i just want to ask for an advice. i am a filipino/single/at legal age and a muslim (newly converted muslim).im the only muslim in the family and i am alone living here in UAE. i have a fiancee a syrian and he wants us to get married soon. the problem is he have already a wife and he is not planning to ask permission for her for the reason that he knows his wife will not agree. i hope i can get some advice with my situation. thank you.
I have a question. My fiance’ and I are planning to come there in the near future. The thing is I’m a U.S citizen, where he is not yet, he’s from Nigeria! I wanted to know could we possibly get married while there or what procedures do we need to take to make that happen.
Hi Benita. Please read the article and contact your respective embassys in the UAE for correct and up to date information.
Hi can i ask im jacquleyn from philippine my fiance bangladesh, we both residence here in UAE…and planing getting married here in Abu Abudhabi it is possible Married without consistent of my company…please advise me what i do..thanks
Hi!i wanna want to ask my faincee is from uk and i’m from pakistan,he already has a wife in pakistan..can we get marriage on vist visa in dubai??without the consent of first wife??
Waiting for your kind reply.
Salaam I am saima from India we are in a relationship from long period.we both are Muslims .he is working in Abu Dhabi since 6 years I am visiting to uae on visit visa for 30 days with my parents consent. We want to get married in Abu Dhabi in an Islamic shariah type marriage. Is it possible to get married in Abu Dhabi
Please reply soon I am waiting because I am traveling to uae tommorrow do I need to carry any documents with me for marriage purpose
I would like to ask you . That i am from pakistan. And doing job in dubai. I want to marry a USA National. She is coming here on 16 of sep. What we need to for court marriage. She also want to be muslim. Please i am waiting for your answer.
Hi. Please check with the courts or your local embassy.
Hi! I am a Pakistani Muslim girl and want to get married to my Indian Muslim friend.
We both are non expats. To my understanding, we need to get residence visa to
get married. I want to ask how long does it take to get residential visa and for how long
you have to wait after getting this Visa to get married?
Please please assist. Il be eternal grateful.
Hi. Please contact your embassy and the courts for up to date and factual information! Thanks.
Hello ,
Am a man lives in tunisia , i ve been searshing for a solution to my case which is my girlfriend having problemes with her divorce , she s a philipina works and lives in dubai , is it possibole to marry her even she isn’t divorced ?
i i am from pakistan and want come to on vist visa to dubhi can i marge here with a Christian girl from Eu countary plz send me email thanks
I would love to know the answer to this as well. My boyfriend and I want to meet I. Dubai and get married. He is Muslim and I am Christian. I’m from the USA and he is from Pakistan.
Good day!
Im preparing for my wedding
Filipino and Egyptian ,…. I already have my cenomar and its already red ribbon and translated in Arabic just wanna know what we need to do next coz some people told us we need to go again to Philippine embassy and some telling us go direct in court. Hope you could give me advice. Thank you and best regards
I have the same question. My father arranging the papers to authenticate it and he will send this paper here by courier. I believe after this there are no further requirements needed. Next step must be medical from here and 2 witnesses. That’s all as per the Dubai Court list given to us..
hi there i am sami, 30 single. a Pakistani muslim, i am working in uae for the last 4 yeas i want o marry a russian lady . what could be the proper procedure. waiting for a positive response soon. thanks
What are the formalities for 2 muslim expats to get married in dubai. Both are non residents of use. And belong to 2 different countries. They want to get married in dubai as they find this as a perfect place where both families can come together and hv a destination wedding. However understand that one person needs to be a UAE resident.
please inform me whats requirements to get married in uae?
Hi Ali. Please read the article.
Hello Im Maria from Phillipines. I am separated from my husband for about two yeas=rs now but legally we are still married by document coz we have two children with us here before so i am really registered here in dubai as legally married in Philippines. Now i have a boyfriend who is single from The Netherlands and he wants to marry me here to make our partnership legal in dubai and settle here. Is there any option for us to get mariied here in dubai in our situation? we are both working here in dubai. My annulment is still on process at the moment but it will take sometime before i will have it approved so for now i want to know if there a way here in dubai to legalized my partnership with my boyfriend or can we get married in dubai? Please advice.
The only way you can marry him is to wait for your annulment case to finish. Other than that, no you can’t. The court here in UAE will be asking for a document stating that you are legally annulled prior to you marriage with your boyfriend.
If we both are with pakistanI passport and she’s mother and my sister also agree so is it possible we married air we need any more ?
hi, im fatma from philippines. me and my saudi fiance are planning to get married in dubai. what are the requiremts? do we still need to have permission from saudi govt?where will we go to apply for a marriage contract? im presently working in dubai. we have been together for 5 years.
You can never marry your Saudi Fiancé until he receives an approval from the K.S.A. government on which he have to apply in his country. And that my dear is the first step. They will never allow until you can produce that approval.
Good luck!
i want to do marry in uae with all the permission what i have to do for this
Hi, im married with uae national. We married officialy legal in indonesia. My question is can i do legally documents mariage??. Regarding the peppers become legal in uae?? Thankyou
I want to get marry with my German girlfriend. She also want to marry me in dubai, we are both on tourist visa, is it possible to get married? And one more important question she is 18year older than me.? Is it possible to get marry.? I have Pakistani
Hai ,
I am aysha , also am a new Muslim . My boyfriend is working here in UAE an am in visitvisa here is that possible we can get marrie from here if can please tell me the procedures I hope u wll
Hi, Iam a Indian Man want to marry my filipino girlfriend she iis
a resident of dubai and iam also a resident of dubai but iam having a bank loan case and i dont have my original passport which is with the police for the case of the loan
i want to get marry here in dubai kindly please advice me how to go ahead and go whether i have to approach my indian embassy or what we are both born again christian
we required guidance and help in doing as i know my case willl take time so kindly show us my way and guidance
I am an indian married muslim man currently in uae on visit visa. We are seperated from last 1 year and first wife is in India. But not divorced. I want to marry a single indian christian women who is currently resident of dubai. Is it possible to marry without divorce of the first wife under muslim law(Sharia law) in dubai.
Aslam o alokim
I want to married with widow milim lady she is the britain citizen but she is pakistani muslim what is docoments requrd for us
I am a girl from pakistan and i want to marry a guy whom i have been with passed 7 years ,who is uae citizen but i am pakistani , can we marry on vist visa if i apply for vist visa.
I am a man want to marriage with Arabic woman I am Indian Hindu what can do this work
HI. I am a HINDU UAE resident my girlfriend is european we want to get married here in abu dhabi is it possible if she will come here on a visit visa?
Hi I m working in abudhabi I have a job visa. I have a gf
She is from Thailand. She is on visit visa. I m Muslim adult.
She is buddha religion and she is adult. We want to marry
Here in abudhabi. Kindly advise me the right possibilities.
Hi everyone i am pakistani muslim and my gf is us citizen Christian and we both are foreigner how to get marry in abu dhabi …
how do they check what religion you are?
What are the procedures for a Muslim bride in a visit visa working with an offer letter(visa processing initiated) and a christian bridegroom in an employment visa to get married in UAE?
I’m a muslim morocann woman and my fiancee is european christian, both residents in Dubai. We were advised to get married in Seychelles as it’s very easy, with almost no paperwork. Will a seychelles wedding be recognized by Dubai, without my fiance conversion to Islam?
I am Muslim and my friend is Christen .I have uae residencies visa. can you explain me process of marriage in uae
my boyfriend is a muslim man and i am a filipina ehat is the requirements to get marriee in dubai and hoe long it takee and my husband is married frim.her 1st egyptian wife.