Makanyi Private Game Lodge
If your fairy-tale wedding includes tying the knot as you overlook a vast panorama where Lion King-like families of elephants enter stage left, pot-bellied wart hogs stage right and tessellated giraffe roam the reserve as far as the eye can see look no further. Protected by an impressive grove of marula trees, Makanyi’s prime safari setting offers sweeping views over a magnificent dam creating the most arresting backdrop to your magical day. Alternatively, it is the perfect destination for your honeymoon as the setting, along with the enhancing honeymoon extras, will offer the perfect romantic start to your new adventure as Mr and Mrs.
Contact & Location
Contact Details:
Makanyi Private Game Lodge
Timbavati Private Nature Reserve
South Africa
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+ 27 (0) 15 793 2663
[email protected]