Thank you for showing an interest in submitting your images for publishing on Are you a newlywed, a photographer or a wedding vendor? Here at Bride Club ME, we aim to inspire our readers with beautiful imagery. Do you have any videos, photographs or styled images you would love to showcase? We love:
- Creativity
- A keen eye for detail and styling
- Images that show the glow of the happy couple and those around them.
- Small personal details and DIY projects
- Stunning venues and locations.
- Weddings of different cultures and religions. The UAE is a melting pot and the weddings we feature should reflect that.
We also happily accept international submissions from time to time. Please do not send us an email with a link to your website or 100 images, choose wisely, pick your best, send us a few and if we love it, we will contact you for more!
Guidelines for submissions
For Brides and Grooms Did you have an unforgettable wedding? Would you love to share it with other brides and grooms-to-be? Please submit the images or videos of your wedding, engagement party or reception and we will review them. To do the same, follow the below instructions-
- Information about you is crucial! Mention your name, your husband’s name together with the date and location of the event. Please send this via word document.
- Images: These need to be clear. Please ensure you send us a minimum of 10 high resolution JPEG images (675 pixels wide) via we-transfer or Dropbox.
- Folder title must include the couples name & title. Please do not name your file brideclubme!
- Add description: Your wedding was your vision; take us through a journey of how you converted your ideas into your dream wedding! Elaborate on your plan of action, personal touches incorporated, involvement of friends and family, and most of all tell us how you felt when you saw it all come together. Please send this via word document.
- Enlist Vendors: List out all the people who helped make your day as amazing as you pictured it to be! (their website links and social media handles).We require vendor credits to consider your submittal for publication.
For photographers and our vendor club members: There are numerous talented and artistic vendors out there who might want to showcase their work through Bride Club ME. If you have undertaken any weddings, engagements, receptions or other events, show us your creativity through the images you submit. Don’t forget to include these along with your submission-
- Information about you is crucial! Mention your company name, your name together with the date and location of the event and couple’s names. Please send this via word document.
- Images: 10-15 images. Please send individual high resolution images at 675pxls wide (JPG or JPEG only). Remember, a picture speaks a thousand words. You can submit via We-transfer or Dropbox. Please DO NOT embed large images into an email.
- Folder title must include the couple name & photographer or shoot title & photographer. Please do not name your file Brideclubme!
- No water marks please. We used to allow these, but feel they distract from the images at hand. You will always be credited for your images in any submission approved.
- Image Types: Let’s have color and life! Detail shots of cakes, bridal gown, invitations cards, florals, table setting etc., are crucial. Let your images be the gateway to your passion and creativity. Show us the wedding through your eyes. This will help us consider your submittal for publication.
- Your Description: We love to read about the wedding. More the Merrier! Please send this via word document.
- The Vendors: Please list all applicable vendors (their website links and social media handles). We must have a photography credit to consider a wedding for publication. In case, a vendor is not credited up front, it won’t be possible to rework on the submittal.
For other vendors: We are always on the lookout for new and innovative vendors in the wedding industry. If you are one, do send us your photographic submissions for consideration. Whether it’s a wedding, rehearsal dinner or any other event and if we feel that your submission has that X factor, you’ll definitely be contacted.
- Information about you is crucial! Mention your company name, your name together with the date and location of the event and couple’s names. Please send this via word document.
- Images: 10-15 images. Please send individual high resolution images (JPG or JPEG only). Remember that a great image in a window to your creativity! You can submit via We-transfer or Dropbox. Please DO NOT embed large images into an email.
- Folder title must include your name as a vendor or shoot title. Please do not name your file Brideclubme!
- No water marks please. We used to allow these, but feel they distract from the images at hand. You will always be credited for your images in any submission approved.
- Image Types: Let’s have colour and life! Detail shots of cakes, bridal gown, invitations cards, florals, table setting etc., are very crucial. We love to understand your passion through the images you submit and this also helps us to consider your submittal for publication.
- Your Description: We love to read about the wedding. The more information we receive the better. Please send this via word document.
- The Vendors: Please list all applicable vendors (their website links and social media handles). We must have a photography credit to consider a wedding for publication. In case, a vendor is not credited up front, it won’t be possible to rework on the submittal.
For Videographers: Do the videos you record incorporate an extra something for the couple? Then we’d love to showcase it! Please embed the code of your film and send it to
- Information about you is crucial. Mention your company name, your name together with the date and location of the event and couple’s names. Please send this via word document.
- Your Description: We love to hear details about the wedding. The more information you can give us about the wedding, the better. Please send this via word document.
- Get permissions and list as many co vendors who worked on the event as possible.
Permission to be featured from the photographer and the couple is a must. Please ensure you receive permission from all parties before submitting a real wedding or styled shoot. If your submission is approved, we will be in touch with further requirements.
Guest Posts: We do accept guest posts from time to time, but prefer to work with our certified Vendor Club Members on these. We will not accept spam posts with random SEO links to irrelevant businesses. All guest posts must be in keeping with our style and readership demographic. If the guest post is too ‘advert/promotions’ focused, we advise opting for a paid ‘sponsored’ post instead. A 2-3 week editorial deadline applies.
All submissions should be sent to:
Exclusivity Rule: Kindly take note that we don’t publish anything which has already been posted on another website or magazine. Any styled shoots or real weddings published on our site should be submitted to us exclusively. We consent to the images being published on international magazines or blogs after a 4 month period, but require complete exclusivity in the UAE.
Note: While we try to respond quickly, we may take up to two weeks to revert on your particular submission. Therefore, please be patient and bear with us We look forward to viewing your work – Team Bride Club ME.