Ramadan; the perfect time to slow down and look after ourselves both inside and out (before wedding festivities resume inshallah ). We’ll leave you to sort the in, and our Bridal Beauty Expert, Laure Sejean, to have your outer beauty shining ready for your big day. This month, she’s sharing her favourite masks to prepare your skin before, on and after your fabulous day! Last month I was talking about how incredible the hydra facial…
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Unless your wedding was masquerade-themed, who would have thought ‘face mask’ would ever be part of your wedding day must-buy list? Then in 2020 life changed! For the foreseeable future face masks are not just part of the list they’re at the very top, as we all adhere to government-regulated health and safety guidelines by wearing face masks in public for our protection. While large wedding parties cannot yet commence in the UAE due to…
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