Banishing the Bingo Wings – By Tim Garrett
Written by on February 3, 2013.
Those dreaded bingo wings, how did they suddenly appear?
I want to tell you my secret of how to get rid of them forever. I’m not going to go on about any specific exercise, though working out is a key part of achieving your goals. But I am going to explain a fresh, unique and very effective holistic process to help banish those nasty bingo wings so they never return. This will also help you lose body fat and cellulite from your whole body.
If you’re planning on wearing a classic style sleeveless wedding dress you definitely want this part of your body to look fantastic. I will help you to do it.
The most important factor in achieving a toned arm with minimal body fat is to lower your body fat levels. You have probably heard that to lose body fat you need to burn more calories than you consume. That is only part of the equation and it’s too simplistic. Have you got friends who eat very little food because they “don’t want to gain weight” and they still have extra body fat? That’s because their health is damaged and their body is in an emergency ‘fight or flight’ state. The body adapts and up to twelve physiological changes occur as a protection mechanism. These changes retain body fat and water.
I suggest using a triad system to achieve fantastic body fat loss.
- A Healthy eating system
- Improving your holistic health
- Use metabolic booster training, which can boost your metabolism for up to 72 hours.
- Eat a paleo/cavewoman diet (meat, fish, vegetables, but not potatoes, nuts, seeds, fresh herbs, sea salt, olive oil and coconut oil. Do this according to your metabolic type:
- It is also vital that you eat something at least every 2.5 – 3 hours, never leaving it longer than 4 hours. Aim to eat organic food as much as possible.
- Drink only water, to keep it simple, around 2 litres a day.
- Also have a meat and nuts breakfast. You should follow this system for fourteen days, then carry on but add a cheat meal once every five days.
- Improve your foundational health systems. It has a massive impact on your ability to achieve your health and fitness goals. You need to get sleep under control and at the correct time, ideally by 22:30.
- You need to handle stress well, find enough time to relax and for yourself. It’s very important that your digestion is good and you’re not suffering from constipation, gas, acid reflux or diarrhoea.
- Eating regular meals and snacks is a very important to restore health, as well as eating great quality food. Imbalances in these areas can literally stop you losing body fat.
For body fat loss, a very effective training system I recommend is the ‘Healthy 4 U’ metabolic booster program. It is a circuit based routine with 8-12 exercises, resistance based, completed consecutively without rest. This system helps you burn extra calories for up to 72 hours, develops muscle tone over your whole body and burns loads of calories while you are doing it. Try to pick exercises that use many muscle groups, with as much balance and coordination as possible, such as squats, fit ball chest press, single arm rows, burpees, and so on. Google these to find out how to do them.
The right combination of this system works like a dream. Stick to it and you will see wonderful results. You will look and feel fantastic. I have had people that have lost up to 4.2kgs in as little as 8 days using this approach.
You might be wondering why I haven’t highlighted specific exercises for your arms yet. That’s for a good reason. With the triad system outlined above you will be losing body fat over the whole body while developing muscle tone in the arms. And before you know it: Hey presto – goal achieved.
Tim Garrett is a member of the Bride Club ME expert panel and is Dubai based health and fitness coach, who has been working in the fitness industry for the past 15 years. Tim has trained numerous brides-to-be to achieve the perfect shape for their big day.
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