Baby Club ME: Sublime Home Care Dubai – My Saving Grace! Rio’s Baby Journey After Marriage
Written by Adam Hurst on July 17, 2017.
My Saving Grace – Sublime Home Care Dubai
Hi lovelies,
I’m so sorry that I have been AWOL with this little corner of the website! You see, having a baby while trying to run a full-time business is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. These past five months have been intense, to say the least, and without family, a nanny or the hubby around during the day to help, I have been run off my feet. Oh, and did I mention that I average three hours sleep a night? Baby Kai is not the best sleeper at night.
That said, I’ve also learned how to manage my patience, and how to zone in on my inner auto-pilot when all I feel like doing is turning off the baby battery for 4 hours while I sleep or work. But of course, as us Mummies know, that is never an option.
Baby Kai (4 months ) and mummy in the UK
Despite being a terrible sleeper, baby Kai is the most wonderful little boy ever. He’s super advanced, smiles all the time and babbles like no one’s business. I absolutely adore him and have cherished being a hands-on Mum for the past five months. However, there are bills to be paid and they won’t pay themselves. I could just about get away with working at a slower pace during my ‘maternity leave’ these past few months, but unfortunately, this is no longer an option.
Which brings me on nicely to my saving grace, Sublime Home Care. I found out about Sublime via a friend on Instagram and using them made perfect sense. I was not yet in the market for a nanny, but I desperately needed help sometimes, while I attended a meeting or two and caught up on work.
Sublime Home Nursing has been operating for almost five years in Dubai/the UAE, providing trained maternity nurses and home care for Mummies and Daddies in need. Not only do they provide maternity nurses, they also provide assistance for the elderly.
I opted to hire a sublime nurse over the course of a few weeks, and I was not disappointed. I had a few changes in nurses, but the majority of the time I was sent the lovely Zarina. A sweet natured Filipino woman who clearly adores babies, Kai immediately took to her as did I. Upon entering my home, she immediately washed her hands (which is always a good sign) and came straight to Kai for a cuddle.
As with most Mums, I think it’s standard that I was nervous, even sick at the thought of leaving my most precious possession in the arms of a stranger…. I was there to fully observe the first time I used Sublime’s services. Zarina put Kai down for his naps with ease. He is 75% breastfed, but on this occasion, he took a formula bottle from her without issue. I watched them play and do lots of tummy time together on my bouncy ball and I finally started to relax. A happy baby equals a happy mummy!
The next day, I plucked up the courage to leave Kai with Zarina for an hour while I popped to Dubai Mall to knuckle down on a long-awaited article I had been procrastinating over. I’ll admit, I was watching my phone constantly, asking for updates, which Zarina gladly obliged (picture below was sent to me while I was out on a meeting). When I returned home, it was although I had never left. I almost felt jealous, he he!
And as each new day passed, the more relaxed I became. I even managed to catch up on a little sleep during the day, which makes the world of difference when you are severely sleep deprived. I hosted a Bride Club ME networking event and took Zarina along with me, which was a great help, and I also managed a few client meetings whilst using their services too.
Baby Kai at 4 months old, attending one of my wedding industry networking events
I would highly recommend Sublime Home Services to any Mother or Father who needs some help at home. I now have a full-time maid/nanny so will no longer need to use Sublime, but should that ever change, I would not hesitate to use them again and to recommend them to those in need of a helping hand.
About Sublime Home Services
With over 5,000 babies born in the emirate during the past six months and a rapidly aging Emirati population, the demand for specialist and professional healthcare solutions in Dubai is growing quickly,
said Yasmine Torkamani, Managing Director of Sublime Home Healthcare.
Most notably at Sublime, we are experiencing a high demand for our post-natal support services in Dubai where we provide an exemplary childcare and night nurse service, as well as much needed guidance and reassurance for new parents. We are also noticing an increase in multiple births in the emirate with demand for in vitro fertilisation (IVF) in the region increasing by around 8% every year. This, in turn, is leading to greater demand for homecare services as parents struggle to deal with multiple babies.
Licensed by Dubai Health Authority, Sublime Home Healthcare provides specialist medical care and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to people in their own homes, by its team of registered, experienced and fully-qualified nurses. Prior to joining the SHHC team all nurses must be registered and have a minimum of 2 to 5 years hospital experience. Following the interview process and a one month training period, each appointed nurse will then shadow a senior nurse for on-the-job training before working individually with a patient in the home.
There will come a time in all our lives when we are faced with the need for a little extra medical care and support, and that’s when Sublime is on hand to provide excellent medical care by trained and professional nurses dedicated to making your life easier,” said Yasmine. “Finding the right nursing professional is very important, not just in terms of education and experience, but also their interpersonal skills. All our nurses must be able to empathise with the needs of an elderly patient who is struggling with the loss of their independence but also be able to understand the anxieties a new mother may be facing and identify signs of post-natal depression. The days and weeks following a birth are the most important for quality care of both baby and mother and we strongly believe there really is no place like home.
Sublime Home Healthcare Centre provides a range of general medical services which support hospital or post-operative treatments including physiotherapy, injection management and pain management all from within the home. So, whether you have broken a limb, require care for a disabled relative or are planning a vacation and need holiday care, there is no need to prolong your stay in hospital beyond what is truly necessary.
If you would like to book your very own Sublime Home Care maternity nurse, contact the Sublime Home Healthcare Centre on +971 4 3470504, or visit Prices are 75AED p/h based on a minimum 6-hour booking, however, lower rates can be offered based on regular, long term bookings.
Disclaimer – This post is based on my opinion in the form of a review. I had a few days service FOC, but paid for the rest of my bookings with sublime.
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