BRIDE Show Abu Dhabi – Get Your Tickets Now! If you’re an Abu Dhabi based bride-to-be, or if you missed out on the recent BRIDE Dubai show, fear not, as you can now purchase your tickets for the Abu Dhabi instalment of one of the hottest events in the UAE wedding season calendar. BRIDE Abu Dhabi takes place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre between 13th and 16th April, and promises to be an…
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Getting Organised! Regardless of the number of years they’ve spent dreaming about their wedding day, or the amount of (perhaps secret) Pinterest boards crafted over this time to offer inspiration, many new brides-to-be often find that as soon as they become engaged, what they thought they wanted goes out of the window. It seems to be the case that once marriage is a reality and plans need to be made, there are so many things…
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Diary Of A Real Bride, The Proposal It’s an exciting day for BCME as we finally get to introduce you to our brand new ‘real bride’ guest blogger, Anna Lucas. Ever since our previous real bride, Barbaranne Heaton, tied the knot back in December, we’ve been on the look out for another bride-to-be who is willing to share with us her ups and downs as she makes preparations for her big day. We are absolutely…
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How To Stick To Your Wedding Budget The proposed budget for your wedding can be one of the most problematical areas once you have said ‘yes’ and begun planning your big day. You and your fiancé or family might have different ideas about how much you are willing to spend on this special occasion, and even if you have already set a budget, disagreements might still ensue once you start making bookings and putting down…
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Park Hyatt Abu Dhabi Wedding Showcase 2016 Hello lovelies, greetings from London, UK! I have just returned from Switzerland and will be away until mid March, so please excuse the recent slow down in posts, I am settled in London for a while now and have lots of juicy articles on the agenda for you all, so stay tuned. Today, we take a look back at the annual Park Hyatt, Abu Dhabi wedding Fair, which took place last month, in…
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Expert Advice – Marrying In The UAE Wedding planning is fun, exciting, and one of those rare opportunities when you can ‘shape’ exactly how you want your day to be, from start to finish. However, beyond the love, joy and happiness, a legal shift is taking place, changing both of your official statuses from ‘single’ to ‘married’. This inevitably involves a whole range of implications that you both need to be aware of, in order…
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Valentine’s Day in the UAE If you’ve yet to make plans for Valentine’s Day, don’t panic! We’ve done the groundwork for you, and have asked some of our favourite venue vendors for the low down of how they will be helping their guests to celebrate this special day. Whether you’re planning a romantic staycation or an intimate dinner for two, we’ve got it all covered! Take your pick from this selection and surprise your other…
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A Catch up with Goldfish Photography & Video Towards the end of last month, BCME’s Assistant Editor Rachael visited our super talented vendors, Goldfish Photography & Video, at their new studio over at the aptly named Dubai Studio City. Meeting with Managing Partner, Claire Riley (who very kindly provided plenty of cookies), Rachael learnt all about why Goldfish Photography & Video decided to move, how the business is expanding and witnessed first hand their new, creative space….
Click here to read the full article…’s Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas As Valentine’s Day rapidly approaches, we got in touch with our vendors over at MyList to get their pick of gift ideas for this special occasion. From pillows to armchairs and massages to candles, there’s something to suit all budgets and tastes in this eclectic mix, which MyList based around the theme of ‘white, red and Mr & Mrs’. It can often be difficult to buy a present for your…
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Engagement Shoot Locations In The UAE On hand for today’s BCME expert panel advice feature is one of our favourite UAE photographers, Maria Sundin. This article will be particularly interesting to recently engaged couples who are just beginning their wedding planning journey, and possibly considering an engagement photo shoot. But where should your photo shoot take place? Below, Maria gives us the inside scoop on some of her favourite locations. The good news is that…
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